Wednesday, 4 April 2012

We're away..................

 Only 4 days since we left Brisbane and already a world of experiences and memories created ...and revisited. The first day a very long one of driving the boring bits done many times before. Probably the highlight for me being the new way the kids have invented of playing eye spy. a few of the corkers they came up with were.....T T......travelling trailer,....A G V............. a good view; just to name a few of the challenges thrown at the parents!

13 hours sleep in Nyngan meant leaving slightly later than we'd planned! An 11am kick off wasn't ideal but we seem to have already slowed down to nomad pace! The emus viewed and wild goats counted passed the time till we got to Broken Hill when the memory lane monologue was started by yours truely (Craig and kids very polite and seemed not too bored!).

A call to old family friends means we have spent the last 2 days out at Ravendale sheep station and visiting Mutawinji (or Mootwinge if you're me) National Park, the first house I ever lived in, and in fact the first house mum and dad ever lived in together. A chance encounter with the ranger enabled me to take the kids and Craig to the old visitors centre and our old house where he put on an aboriginal movie of the dreamtime explanation for Mootwinge's importance to the local aboriginal people. The beauty of Mootwinge was glimpsed at and the green state of the country at the moment, thanks to our floods in Queensland meant its best side was shown. The kids find it hard to imagine me a child living in such isolation.

Ann, Bill and Ravendale  were GREAT. Touring the countryside scouting out sheep, cattle and playing in the rock garden will stick with the kids for a while I think. Lamb chop BBQ (a personal favourite) probably topped things off really though my city bred children struggled with eating while there were a few flies around! The red dirt, blue skies and creamy grasses looking lush with the grey green of the saltbush are colours I love and will always associate with childhood.

 Bill's tall tales that are probably more true than you think remind me that there is a whole aspect of Australian life that us coastal dwellers have little contact with. We're off across the top of South Australia tomorrow, looking forward to the adventure of this trip!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are off to a great start! I love that the kids have already found some animal bones :P I hope the skeletons aren't stinking out the trailer!!! Have fun xo
