Sunday, 8 April 2012

Crossing the Nullarbor

Sitting by a campfire trying to write this by firelight is a challenge to my Year 8 touch typing skills!The wonders of the 21st century...out here outside Kalgoorlie the gold miners of 125 years ago who wheeled themselves from the coast by wooden wheel barrow would have a hard time wrapping their heads around modern communication!

So....the last few days crossing the Nullarbor.........interesting! Well the first day was really interesting and the second day was just.............. painful if you ask me, or nullaboring if you ask the kids! We really did see some sights. Maybe the man skate boarding the Nullarbor (minus a helmet, IPOD in and being overtaking by semi trailers with 3 doggies attached) took the first prize but their were a few other sights that seeing was believing! The Japanese people going solo on their pushbikes who looked in need of resuscitation or a good push or the ergonimic bike and trailer could win second prize! Sadly we didn't get any photos of these feats of human bizarreness!

The Nullarbor itself, to the WA border was quite beautiful and very scenic driving along the edge of the bight. After Eucla it was just sheer hard slog!

Eucla was fascinating/ Its been dug out since I was here 20 years ago, not only do you see the chimneys but you can walk through the rooms. The jetty a walk down at the waters edge that bought in supplies was a good explore for sea urchin shells and banked up kelp. The old rubbish dump was good for a treasure explore! The next 600 km after that was not so exciting. We didn't even take a phoot of the longest straight road in Australia we were so pedal to the metal to get somewhere, anywhere!

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys!

    Great blog posts and photos. can't wait to hear the stories when you're a few months!!

    Easter was great in Gymps. Heading home soon.

